Ny meditation med Kiesha, Little Grandmother
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Här kommer en viktig meditation just för denna tiden vi är inne i just NU!
Kiesha, Little Grandmother ber om så stor uppslutning som möjligt för att hjälpa till med vibrationshöjningen som behövs nu...Så här skriver hon själv:
Free Global Healing Meditation by Little Grandmother
As we face many challenges in todays world we see that the “Great Shift” upon our planet is happening before our eyes. We are now living in the time of change and we have a great duty and responsibility to change our world for the better. Our responsibility is not to fight, not to live in anger or fear or to allow ourselves to be separated in one camp or the other in our beliefs, but rather focus on the positive and become the change within ourselves. We must be the change we wish to see on our planet. We must find the peace and balance in love and compassion for each other and the natural world.
Simply put, we can not change ego consciousness into love conciseness if we are not living in love. To be the change we must act in love, in compassion, in peace and harmony in our own lives. We must make choices that bring health to ourselves and our planet and one of the best ways to do that is by unifying our consciousness through meditation.
I have created a free global mediation in which we all - from our many different countries can unite together in a profound way to lift the vibration, unify ourselves in courage, healing and love to help heal ourselves and our precious Mother Earth.
We are the change that we have been waiting for! We are responsible for human consciousness and we are the vital and profound key to lifting the energies on our planet to create the world we want to live on.
Please join me and your Tribe of Many Colours from around the world in this global mediation. Together we CAN change everything!
Please share this link to your friends, families and groups in order to gather as many people as possible around the world to join in this mediation. The more we join together, the more unstoppable our energies become.
Love Little Grandmother Kiesha
LjusKram från Harriet!
Andra inlägg
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- Amazing Grace
- Det nya Ljuset och Inre frid
- tillägg till förra inlägget
- high vibrational interview!
- Hjälpen utifrån vårt eget universum
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